gulingan muka tanah bahasa Inggris
- muka: face; the face of; aspect; countenance; mug;
- tanah: earth; estate; ground; land; soil; dirt; acres;
- muka air tanah: water table; water level; groundwater level
- gulingan arktik: arctic roll
- gulingan eskimo: kayak roll
- muka: face; the face of; aspect; countenance; mug; side; facial; physiognomy; bobbin; human face; facial expression; appearance; smiler; in front of; visual aspect; front end; neb; kisser; front; snout; v
- tanah: earth; estate; ground; land; soil; dirt; acres; abbacy; area; rilievo; landed estate; demesne; real estate; mainland; landmass; relievo; embossment; region; mud; world; shore; continent; clay; solid
- (air) muka: countenance
- air muka: complexion; countenance; expression; face; mug
- antara muka: interface (computing)
- arus muka: surface current
- bagian muka: prow; front; face; bow
- beradu muka: head on; headed on; heading on
- berhadapan muka: closed with; closing with; face to face; face up; present; face; confront
- bermuka-muka: hypocrisy; feign; sham; dissemble; affect; pretend